Wednesday, April 8, 2009

University Clearing

How to survive clearing- City University London

How to get a handle on clearing and make the most of it.
So you did not get the grades you needed. Firstly, don't despair! Last year more than 60,000 applicants who entered Clearing were successful in getting a place at university. It is essential, however, to get to grips with Clearing quickly in order that you can get the best out of it. Even if you did not get the results you wanted, you still have a chance to make them count.

Sit down and take a deep breath
You need to think about your situation and decide how you want your future to be. You may be prepared to be flexible about your choice of course, or where you go in the country, but remember, you need to know that you are going to be happy. After all you may be deciding where to spend the next three years of your life. And don't forget, sometimes the best thing to do may be to re-sit your examinations and try again next year.

Ask advice of careers advisors, teachers and parents.
Your teachers will have experienced Clearing before and will be able to advise you on the best strategy.

Don't Panic!
Making a hasty decision to accept a course or a university that you are unsure about is more than likely going to be a mistake. University staff know that this is a very difficult time for you and understand that you may be nervous or upset. We want to give you clear guidance and we want to know that you are making a well thought out decision.

Consult the vacancy listings in the newspapers
The Independent carries the official UCAS listings but unofficial vacancy listings or features also appear in The Guardian and The Times. The UCAS website runs an interactive vacancy information service with links to each institution's homepage. Once you have found the course you want then act quickly and telephone the university's Clearing Hotline number. Remember most of the action takes place in the first two or three days and many universities will be open at the weekend.

Check that you have the required grades or qualifications
The press will feature A level points scores but the City University website will also give BTEC, GNVQ and other requirements. Clearing is not just for A level candidates.

Make the telephone call yourself
Don't leave it to parents or friends. We want to talk to you and may ask questions about your examinations, motivation and interests that no-one else can answer. Have your UCAS number, Clearing Entry number and a pen and paper ready. You may need to write down things that the admissions tutor tells you.

Be persistent
Hotline numbers are inundated for the first few days and you will have to be prepared to keep trying. Don't forget you may always visit the university for an immediate decision from one of our admissions tutors. That way you can see the campus and meet the staff before you decide whether or not to accept any offer.

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